Lifestyle Key: Confession - I'm a Parent — Kerri is Key
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Lifestyle Key: Confession - I'm a Parent

Lifestyle Key: Confession - I'm a Parent

There’s a common saying among real estate agents: Don’t be a secret agent. We spend a lot of time making sure family, friends, and just about everyone we meet know we’re agents. If people don’t know you’re a real estate agent they will never hire you.

Recently, a few people I work with found out I was a parent and they were surprised. (If you also didn’t know, SURPRISE!) I love my daughter and I could talk about her all day and tell you how she’s so cute and smart, especially now that she’s starting to make animal sounds. I don’t talk about her unless someone else brings up children in conversation. It’s not because I don’t want people to know that I have a child, but if I start talking about her I might not stop.

She’s also absent from the internet with the exception of the photo that accompanies this post. Not having a child on the internet has been a great lesson in how we keep tabs on people through social media, but actually interact with a much smaller group. We decided as parents that we didn’t want our child’s life documented on the internet for a variety of reasons. If you have my number or see me in-person you know the photos are ever-flowing! One client perk I offer: baby/toddler photos on request!

I could talk about parenting with you forever, so if you want to start that conversation just reach out! Otherwise, know I’m a parent and I’m happy to talk about my kid or yours anytime.

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