DC Passport Program — Kerri is Key
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Lifestyle Key: DC Passport Program

Lifestyle Key: DC Passport Program

I found out about the DC Passport Program a few years ago from friend. I had actually forgotten about it until I saw them for sale in Salt and Sundry a few weeks ago.

As you can see from the photo above, it’s a little passport-like booklet that has Buy One, Get One coupons for 50+ restaurants from around the city. They are all for drinks and vary by restaurant. Here are some examples:

There are places participating all over the city so you can visit your regular hangout, try a new place near home or work, or go explore a neighborhood you haven’t spent much time in. Once you register your passport you will also get invited to exclusive events and giveaways.

The Passports themselves cost $25.00 so if you take full advantage it’s a great way to go out and save a few dollars. Interested, but don’t want to commit? Email me and let’s set a date to use mine! Cheers!

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