Lifestyle Key: Step Away — Kerri is Key
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Lifestyle Key: Step Away

Lifestyle Key: Step Away

I wasn’t planning on taking last week off from blogging, but sometimes you need a break. I was on vacation last week and had my laptop at the ready. Here was my plan:

  • I thought I would draft several blog posts and get ahead of the game. That didn’t happen.

  • I wanted to take pictures of the 3 screened in porches and 3 decks that I love so I could talk about outdoor space in a future post. That didn’t happen.

  • I brought 5 business books to read. I didn’t even finish the one I had less than 100 pages of to finish.

Instead, I actually relaxed. 2019 has been a year of growth, change and success in more ways than I can count. And with all of those things have come challenges. So, I took the week to step away (almost) completely. Instead of what I had planned, here’s what I did:

  • Watched my daughter play on the beach.

  • Hung out with my extended family.

  • Drank fancy cocktails (see photo above) and went out for date night.

  • Got a property under contract with the help of my team — I was not expecting to get that call my first day on the beach!

  • Gave my brain some space.

I won’t tell you you should do the same thing. There are a million other articles and experts to tell you that (I do agree with them though). Before this trip I had been spending a lot of time thinking about how I’ve been working “in” my business lately but not “on” my business (why yes, I have spent A LOT of my career working with entrepreneurs and now the tables have turned). So by giving myself some space I was able to:

  • Relax

  • Have fun

  • Come up with a more cohesive blog strategy

  • Make a list of things I need to do

  • Make a list of people I need to meet with

Stay tuned! I’m excited to share what’s coming with you!

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